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May Bakedown

I decided to choose the baking challenge for May. My friend Stephanie and her husband were at my house raving about the CHOCOLATE NUTELLA BABKA at a bakery they love. I’ve been wanting to make babka for a while so this will be super – a dream come true. I chose my recipe from Once Upon a Chef. So $25 gift card to somewhere to the first person who posts their bake with a picture – ready, set, GO! (and that includes me!)

Three very important detail about me that have nothing to do with food: 

1- The summer after my freshman year, I worked as a road construction flagger with my brother. I wore the reflective vest and had a super sexy stop/slow sign. The name of the company we worked for was “Flashy Flaggers” and the business cards we were given to hand out were of a naked lady standing behind a stop sign that she was holding up; and really, who doesn’t want to have that card?! Some guys would stop and give me flowers and things to drink and I was even asked on a date. Now I look back at those moments in horror at all the potential murderers that could have poisoned me with their icy cold refreshingly delicious beverages. It was also at these construction sites that I realized sometimes swearing can be an art form; everyday I walked away amazed at the string of profanities my co-workers could put together into once sentence. ART FORM!

2- I have watched every episode of Stargate. 

3- I am shockingly good at not finishing my sentences.

6 thoughts on “May Bakedown

  1. Aside from the five hour risetime the bread came together surprisingly easy and it is quite delicious. Now my mind is full of ideas for variations. I browned my butter and had to cook it a full 55 minutes

  2. It was gone pretty quickly-one slice for everyone. Only Davis had criticism, “it would be better without the chocolate”. 😒

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